John Tretheway

Professional Life, Business and Performance Coach

I have been working with Devon as an apprentice for two and a half years. My practice is now strong. I am a coach that people seek out. People experience my coaching as life changing. 

I came to him with the explicit goal of building a very strong and thriving coaching practice in the fastest way possible. I had decided to transition fully from a previous occupation of 30 years. I needed professional help. I was looking to hire a coach that was guided by the lineage of Steve Chandler and the philosophy espoused in The Prosperous Coach. Devon came highly recommended and so we talked. Yes, I interviewed others and they were all great. For me, Devon stood out.

He had the energy, story of building his practice, directness and multifaceted experience and interest in coaching on many platforms. He was not a guru. He was a regular guy with extraordinary commitment and that showed in every ounce of his being.

I love humor. I love directness. I love an unapologetic commitment to supporting a client where the coach leaves no hint of doubt or hesitancy. 

He has a powerful 1:1 practice. He created and continues to offer his group, Gamechanger. He works with corporations. He works with stay-at-home parents to professional athletes. He works with coaches, though not exclusively: I liked that. He has a sports background as well as in social work. I related closely to that.

Yes, his fees are strong. Well, if I want to be great then I’ll have to invest and for the first time in my life I went all in betting on myself. The money is only part of it. The time and energy was the meat and I knew that kind of financial investment would be the key to me remaining consistent. Yes, I stumbled along the way and Devon kept me going. Funny how the circumstances of life just keep popping up and there is never the right time to start. For me the time was now and I haven’t looked back.

This time being coached by Devon has unlocked possibilities I didn’t even know existed. Yes, my practice is thriving and more than that has been my way of relating to every facet of life along the way.

I am always fulfilled. I now love myself unconditionally, I am at peace. I have learned what love means and how to tap into that infinite well and share it with all I meet. 

I could fill pages with all that has been created over the last two and a half years from where I live, traveling, my practice and relationship to my boys, my family, my friends, my clients and the world. 

Devon is the ultimate stand for his clients. His commitment is the ultimate inspiration. There is no possibility too great or dream too big. He encourages you to dream and then works with you to create what it is you really want in life.

Once you say yes to yourself, anything is possible.


Steven Sullivan


Tony Ubertaccio