Ted Crawford

Inspirational Speaker & Coach

My experience of being coached by the BEST Devon Bandison…I am extremely pleased with the results in my life since working with Devon (started October 2021). Before hiring Devon my life was ok. I worked a very demanding job, ran my real estate business while trying to build my coaching practice. Even though life appeared to be good, I felt like something was missing. What was missing was my ability to hold myself accountable and attaining goals including my coaching practice. For example, I would set goals, plan activities and change the goal or activities based on my mood. I realized I was kidding myself to think I can build a successful coaching practice with part time integrity and little focus. With this inconsistent way of “Being” I knew this would spill over into other aspects of my life such as a commitment relationship and ultimately marriage. 

In September of 2020 I was introduced to Devon by the love of my life Maria Brito. Maria raved about Devon and his highly effective coaching style. My first meeting with Devon was a zoom call and the rest is history. Since our meeting I’ve attended Devon’s Game changer events in Manhattan, September 2021. Two months later Devon and I created the first Game Changer event I Brooklyn NY which transformed the lives of over 30+ attendees. 

I have only known Devon for 19 months (6 months as my coach), however we’ve created so much together which prepared me for the launch of my very own coaching practice which is now up and running. Devon has a relentless approach with transforming lives of his coaching clients by sharing himself and his experiences with an unwavering ability to listen keenly to his clients.

Devon “BEING” is LOVE in its purest form. REAL TALK!


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Ken Crenshaw